the land comes the water,
the water comes the soul
...It’s river, sea, lake, pond, ice and whatever else
sweet, salty, brackish,
It‘s the place where you stop and where you travel
It’s pleasure and fear, enemy and friend
It’s border and is infinite
It’s change and immutability, memory and oblivion.

I was born in Catanzaro the 14/02/1959.
After taking a degree in chemical engineering, I had experiences as an
officer of the military genius in a biological and chemical centre and
since my farewell in 1987 I started working in the water field, cooperating
with the biggest group of the world in water treatments with an advisory
role, design and coordination of the commercial network.
the same time I brought forward my design firm working for public authorities,
municipalities, resorts, and private health care companies.
In particular I deal with any request about waste water and drinking water
in compliance with applicable laws, starting from well water, source,
or tanks etc. but also process water, planning everything that is necessary
to obtain a water with the characteristics required by specific processing.
In the last few years in particular I have developed considerable expertise
in the prevention of infection by Legionella pneumophila planning systems
in hotels, tourist villages, schools, hospitals and providing advice on
prevention in hospitals and nursing homes and hotels.
Plan of Legionella infections
Self Control Plan for Public and Private aqueducts of public interest
Prevention plan of water potability (Deferrization, Sanitation, Water
Prevention plan water treatment (Process Water - Reverse Osmosis)
Maurizio Gimigliano
De Filippis 150
phone no.
0961 777640
0039+ 338 6712841

Water that has chemical and bacterial pollution is usually non-lethal.
But there is a bacteria contained in the water that if finds the ideal
conditions to develop and reproduce can bring a lung infection that often
proves fatal. It is Legionella Pneumophila, so called because the first
time it was discovered it killed 34 legionnaires gathered in Philadelphia.
In that case the infection came from the air conditioning system but later
it was found that there is even greater danger in the water system linked
to hot water production.
There are I.S.S. guidelines, national and regional laws, aimed mainly
at hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes, schools, offices,
prisons etc. which regulates prevention against this particular bacteria.
A deep
knowledge of general plants, coupled with the consciousness of the water
treatment plants allow the interventions that are necessary in order to
maintain the safety.

One of the less visible problems of the water is its purity from the bacteriological
point of view. In fact, only with an analysis you can determine if there
is pollution linked to the presence of bacteria. Because of a lack of
water, or rather its non-availability due to breaks in the delivery, in
all homes, condominiums, public and private, there are storage systems
of various kinds that help to cope with water deficiency. But these "reservoirs",
are very often the cause of bacterial pollution for their positioning,
their material and their discontinuous use. A
careful analysis of the characteristics of water and of the collection
systems will allow the choice of the system of prevention and disinfection
that should be used.

When we were kids it was nice to play in the streets and then cool off
in a fountain that was always functioning. Over time, in order to avoid
waste, and because the water quality diminished, fountains scattered in
various places have been progressively closed.
Only lately we feel the need to equip our cities with fountains from which
is possible to drink and to supply water, refined both at room temperature
or refrigerated and even chilled and carbonated.
Adequate knowledge of the characteristics of the water will allow you
to choose the most suitable systems.
When you decide to build a swimming pool the choice is generally related
to the shape, in what is seen. But it’s like buying a beautiful car
without having information about the engine, and we discover that we have
a Ferrari powered by Skoda.
In a swimming pool water quality is critical to prevent taking infections,
and to avoid the hassle of burning, smell or deposits.
The heart of the pool is formed by the central processing unit and the technical
standards (that are very often poorly respected).
These two components allow the appropriate design to the use of the pool.
Also the shape or the games inside the pool may affect the proper treatment,
and the management cost are influenced by the quality of the filtration
and the type of disinfection used.  |
Although the water should be odorless and tasteless, everyone feels the
taste of drinking. But there are some parameters that can change the characteristics
of the water and then remove the potability as provided by law 31/2001
(Nitrates, arsenic, THM, bacteria etc...) that are not alerted by the
The Decree Law 31/2001 provides for civil and criminal liability of the
owner or manager of the place where the water is used since the awarding
body (City, Region, Consortium etc...) gives its responsibility to the
counter of the user. It is therefore crucial, in particular for public
facilities (hospitals, nursing homes, schools, Hotels, Resorts, Condominiums
etc. ...) allowing themselves to prevent any problems that could arise
from non-potable water. Chemical and bacteriological analysis can give
a picture of the characteristics of the water and allow the choice of
a better plant alongside with the necessities, management and financial

Each process where water is used can present problems with its features.
For example, in the food industry, the washing water must be potable and
in plastic industry cooling water can give incrustations.
But also a heating circuit, like the one we have in our houses, needs
an adequate water amount for its purpose.
In general, the presence of a non-treated water can give significant problems
of corrosion and fouling, with possible problems to the finished product
and to the performance of the plant. This determines increasing costs,
risks of unexpected breaks and downtimes.
The knowledge of the problems is crucial in order to solve the ones that
are already present and to prevent the possible ones.
An excess of salinity or unwanted products (fluorides, sulphates etc...)
may make necessary the use of reverse osmosis systems that permit the
production of demineralized water without particular management problems.
Even in the healthcare field, in dialysis, reverse osmosis systems are
used in the “biosmosis” mode, because is the safest.
The correct pre-treatment and a targeted sizing will also allow to reduce
the costs and have the right water characteristics.

In many situations when well water is used, is possible to encounter an
excessive presence of iron, manganese, or ammonia and this may result
in the lack of drinking water and in problems of fouling, deposits and
In some cases, matched to the excess of iron, there is the presence of
iron bacteria, that are difficult to remove and that could cause fast
and devastating corrosions
Even in this case is fundamental the proper dimensioning of the plant
and the use of the ideal oxidizing agent for these situations.